I completely agree with the rest of you. Just because the restuarant was told (not written down anywhere) that we may have 150 out of 252 people that we graduated with might be there, they are going to make the planners of our reunion pay for the people who didn't show up. We were lucky to get the 60 something people there that did come. I guess it would be different if it had been our 5th year class reunion, but it was our 20th year class reunion. Does the owner not realize that MAYBE it is hard to get everyone to come who said they were. Things happen, especially after you have kids and are knocking on 40's door; can't find a babysitter, couldn't get off work to come, most of us had to travel distances to even get there. You have to consider things like that when you know a big party is coming to your restaurant, and you better get it in writing and contract next time you want to say you're gona throw a civil lawsuit on someone. I've talked to a few people and we could throw our own lawsuit on you just for ruining our reunion and the mental anguish that it caused all of us and the fact that you turned the lights off before all of us were out the door, don't you realize that is a fire hazard?. One of the planners for the reunion was even upset to tears. Not only did we pay $35 to get in the door, we had to pay seperate if we wanted a $3 beer or a $6 mixed drink and all of us had to pitch in at the end to pay $2750 just so we could leave. $2750 for beef gravy with some kinda meat in it (reminds me of the hormel frozen beef tips and gravy you get at grocery store), chicken that was dry, mashed potatoes that were instant, frozen overcooked veggies, salad and a roll? We didn't even get to take the food home that was left that we had just paid $2750 for. We were told that it was being put into take out trays but we could see it sitting on the counter through the doors to the kitchen, no one was boxing anything. As soon as the manager had a nervous breakdown and screamed at everyone, they continued to take our money and kicked us out, turning the lights off as we were walking out the door, with some of us still inside. I got to the event an hour late, I had to get the bartender to pour the water out of the ice cups that had been sitting on a table where the tea was. Not to mention besides our party there was only one table that was taken out in the restuarant part of this establishment. It was a Saturday night at 8 when I arrived and no one is there? What does that tell you? I've heard that the owner has recently bought Black Angus, so she got the name and reputation that came with the establishment but she has failed to live up to it's high standards. This used to be the place to go out to eat on a weekend night, now I guess it's not, or there would have been more people in there besides us. It is a shame when this is what the world is coming to. You can't even go into a high priced steak house without getting harrased by the redneck owners. All of us are probly more redneck than she ever will be but at least we got class too!