My 2 kids (ages 11 and 9) and I had no idea what to expect and we decided to check out Big Stone Mini-golf . We live in Orono, so a treck to Mound was fine... I can imagine that it would be a stretch for others...but well worth the drive It was fun and very unique. Imagine mini-golfing through an artists metal sculptures, surrounded by wild flowers - Some holes are a blend of art and science. I'm going to find out when 6 foot sunflowers are in I think that would be an incredible time to experience the course... You can enjoy playing checkers in a private outdoor ""artsy"" space, feed goats and see other wild life as well. Bring cash as plastic is not accepted. There is some artfair type serving type dishes/ living room bowls available for purchase as well. Enjoy!
Pros: Completely uniquie experience
Cons: Adult rates apply to kids ages 9 and older