In short I would rate Big Mikes Painting service 1/5, excellent painting, very questionable handyman and does not stand behind his work. I would not recommend. Detail below.
The good
Mike provided us a very reasonable fixed price quote for painting our house (interior and exterior), custom wood railings for the porch, screen door replacement and new shutters. His original estimate was 3 weeks end to end. Mike and his team were extremely professional and pleasant throughout the job and were very amenable to our change requests. Both the interior and exterior painting work was excelent. The woodwork was very high quality (initially)
The OK
The actual duration of the work was over 6 weeks. There were some weather considerations but many days of the team not showing up. The rear screen door was first hung inside out (i.e. you could open the screens from the outside), when we questioned this Mike replaced. The front screen door was a far inferior door to the one replaced, again when questioned Mike replaced with relatively no hassle.
The Bad
The second front screen door had the locking mechanism fit upside down (there was an UP arrow on the side that was pointing to the floor), this had caused Mike to mangle the door frame to make it work. When I pointed out the error he appeared embarrassed, I didn't have the heart to make him buy a 5th door and we live with the poor latching today.
6 months after the job had finished a neighbor pointed out half the shutters were hung upside down (a 4 inch border on the bottom Vs a 2 inch on the top)
Some of the woodwork has come loose and warped on the porch
The unforgivable.
In 6 months of calling Mike (10 - 15 messages in total) the only call back I have had is a message saying he was not working due to a medical issue, that was February. 3 / 4 calls since asking for an update have been not beed returned. I estimate the repairs would take him half a day but he is refusing to stand behind his work.