This old-fashioned caf?, which serves only breakfast and lunch, is a clean version of a greasy spoon, and the food is indistinguishable from any other diner in the Midwest. But, like the pizza parlor Rosangela's down the street, they don't accept credit cards or debit cards or checks as payment. I've been to country towns with populations of less than 3,000 that had diners that accepted bank cards. But this business, like so many others in the Evergreen Park area (mere blocks from the Chicago city limits), stubbornly refuses to modernize in this regard. That's right, they only accept cash, which is extremely inconvenient for a new customer. But since most of their customers are retired folk from the neighborhood, and people visiting patients at the hospital across the street, I'm probably the only one who was annoyed by this practice. Fortunately, nothing else about Bialy's was memorable enough for me to go back there.