This is not an acceptable property to live at.I moved here in 2005, and since it has went downhill.I will say the grounds are beautiful, maintenance is superb.Those are the good.I have mold growing in one of my bedroom windows, and the window has yet to be replaced.Mold spores will not grow if moisture is NOT present.The window sweats, it needs to be replaced.My ex neighbor said it wasnt so now the new tenants will be having mold also.They hire the most awful staff.They charge you for everthing when you move out.If you have a complaint , it will never be resolved.The children are extremely loud at 630 am while waiting for their bus.There is a property about 1/8th of a mile from Bexley called Crabtree Crossing.That is a community you need to watch out for.They let known violent criminals move in and those are the people that are breaking into cars now at bexley.They will let anyone move in,no one pays the same rent, and I am talking hundreds of dollars difference. MY rent was always fair but i have had neighbors that have paid 275-300 dollars more a month than what I paid. When you move, they still charge you rent, even thought they have another tenant in the apartment. I believe that is illegal with the state of NC. You cant swim at the pool because of the screaming children.The grill hasnt worked properly for 2 years.I wouldnt recommend this place to my worst enemy.