!st. only gave a 30 day warranty on a $649 washer and dryer set.!! After the first load, the washer proved it was broken. After upteen calls, and several weeks later they picked it up for repairs. Already have missed two deadlines to deliever repaired washer or bring replacement. I have a video of washer I may place on you tube for FACTS. Also plan to bring attention of said store to Better Business Bureau. I plan on a craigslist rant and rave public awareness of said store; along with several other public awareness displays. . Sad to treat a soldiers family, or anyone, in such a manner, don't you think? They have until Mon. afternoon..their lastest delivery plan, to make good.!! _____________________________________________Well, folks, its Tue. morning and zero washer. The name of the place is HOMESMART...IMHO minus the smart!! by a million to one. ____
___Last night one of the office staff was rude and acted as if she couldn't care less!
This is unacceptable. Ah, the power of the web!!!