I’ve been going to this hotel ever since I was a little kid. We used to go on Vacations from Portland Or down to California every summer and the first night of our vacation was ALWAYS spent at this hotel. Willows, the city this place is located in, was our half way mark. We loved this hotel because of the area, the Denny’s that was next door, which we ate at every time we stayed here, and the pool. There rooms are also huge. Last summer my family and I had to go to California for a funeral and we again, stayed at this hotel. It’s still a great hotel and brings back many many good memories for me. The only 2 things I noticed the last time we stayed are 1) you cannot have the air conditioning on in the room unless you are actually in the room. You have to lock the deadbolt, which you can only do from inside the room, for the air conditioning to actually turn on. 2) You cannot sleep with the tv on. I’m the kind of person who has problems sleeping if it’s dark and quiet. Call me crazy but that’s me. Well anyways there are these light in the room that you can not turn off unless you turn off this switch, which just so happens to turn off and on the tv. I’m not sure if it’s like this in every room but it was in ours. We also happened to have a room that I think is set up for gatherings ect. The two beds folded into the wall and had lights above the headboards on the ceiling. Not in a scummy hotel by the hour way or anything. It also had a bar setup too. So if you’re traveling to California and happen to stop in Willows for the night, check out this hotel.