I first met Robin when I had an emergeny. I needed to be admitted to a hospital right away. I was so sick and so worried about my baby, Carmen but I knew I needed to do something quickly. I had done a search earlier to find the right doggie hotel for my Carmen in case of an emergency and thought the BLDHG would be right for her. My dog had been chased and intimidated by dobermans when she was a puppy and is afraid of all dogs. When Robin told me she could hang out with people, I was sold.
When I dragged myself in, I was pleasantly surprised by the bright colors. Everything seemed to be fresh and clean. Even though I hadn't signed all of the papers, Robin assured me that Carmen would be fine and she shooed me out of the door to the hospital. I will never forgot Robin for assuring me. I was sooooo worried.
Now when I need a temporary home for Carmen, I don't hesitate. I know that Robin will love her and take great care of my baby. Even though I HATE leaving her behind, I know she will be fine when I get back. What more can you ask for