This store is just bad. I am not here to rate Best Buy on their prices because it is a known fact that Best Buy is 90% of the time over priced. We have grown to accept that and looked for value in other services that Best Buy has to offer. Reward zone, Black tie protection, Geek Squad, Latest and Greatest, or whatever they will force feed you during their sales pitch. First I want to touch on "we don't work on commission" statement you get upon walking into the store, please dear "insert who you pray to" stop telling me this every time I look at anything in this store. It feels like I am entering another galaxy with robots telling me what they have been programmed to say. Now this is true for every Best Buy I have been into though, you also get the employee (usually a manager who is over paid, under educated but great in sales) who says dripping with arrogance like it is a great selling tool or ice breaker. It?s not, and I would greatly appreciate it if I never heard it again because