<p>Si usted desea divorciarse y su conyuge esta fuera de E.U., no se preocupe si califica para su tramite, se caso en otro pais, no es problema. Nuestro servicio es la preparacion de documentos, no somos abogados. Paralegal honorable con 9 aNos de experiencia trabajando para ABC.</p>
<p>If you wish to get a divorce and your spouse is not in the U.S., do not worry, you qualify for us to help. If you married in another country, that is not a problem. Our service is the preparation of documents, we are not attorneys. Honorable paralegal with 9 years of experience working for ABC.</p>. Divorce * Custody * Paternity * Name Changes * Child Support * Tax Return Preparation * Notarization * Apostille Legal * Documents Preparation,Tax Preparation,Notary Services,Divorce