My name is Lindsey and I used to work at Benny's. Benny hired me in January. After working for 2 weeks, he told me that he really liked me and ""kept his mind on point"" with my witty jokes and good energy.\r
WELL, the next day I was FIRED! (""for what happened last night""). And not by the person that hired me(Benny), but by another driver!!! And when I asked to speak with Benny, I was told he was not there...but he was (my best friend worked there too and told me that)...How pathetic.\r
So anyway, the thing that had ""happened last night"" was I had lost a $12.96 ticket with money after I delivered a cheese pizza to a place. I couldn't find it for ""like, a half hour"" (time documented by the brilliant Rosalie-Benny's daughter, who, might I add, thought that I wanted her boyfriend), but ended up finding it in a coat I had worn while delivering, but had taken off in between then and closing time. I gave her the ticket at the end of the night and was happy that I had found it!!\r
ANYWAY, the next day I got a message from the driver named Jeremy that I was fired because of ""what happened last night"". I still had a pizza bag in my car with about 100 menus. So the next day I bring them back and there is Benny. I had thmein my hands and raised them, insinuating, ""Where should I put these?"". He goes. ""You, put those there"" and pointed to an area that I should put them down.\r
So I did and neatly stacked the menus with all the other ones. I then asked if I was going to be given a reason by the person that hired me, why I was being fired. He said ""I dunno, something happened between you and Rosalie, I still haven't talked to her"". I then thought to myself, ""If he hasn't even talked to her, how am I fired??"".\r
So I asked him that, he gave me the run around then proceeded to tell me that ""Rosalie's a boss here, and I don't question anything she says"". What a wuss...maybe he should have taken into consideration that he daughter was jealous of me because she thought I liked her boyfriend. Also,all of her girlfriends worked there, so no one really liked me, except for some of the cooks and other (male) drivers. \r
So, before I left I told Benny that he has got to be kidding about accusing me of trying to STEAL $12.96 FROM THE PIZZA PLACE. I would deliver $10-$80 orders....BUT what the is $13.00????\r
He said he would talk to Rosalie and see about ""maybe getting my job back"". But I turned around and said, ""No thanks, I really would not want to work here anymore anyway"".\r
So, that's the type of people that own Benny's....and this is only a SMALL idea of the stuff that goes on there. \r
He fired my best friend Natalie because she couldn't work on Wednesday nights because she had VOLUNTEER rescue squad meetings, and would call all of them kitchen help Mexicans, even though they were Guatamalen and other ethnicities.\r
What an ignoramous!!!!\r
Pros: Good Pizza
Cons: They fire people for no reason