I hope that some of you do your homework before renting at Bennington Pond Apartments. Let me list the reasons why you don't want to live there.\r
1. The office staff is horrible. Just look at the other reviews. They all say the same thing. The office manager needs to re-evaluate her life. Obviously something is missing or going on there that makes her a complete nasty B****, if you know what I mean. \r
2. The parking is atrocious. Not only do you not have any reserved spots, people who don't need to park in handicapped spaces seem to lord over those spaces. I've seen the person who parks in front of my building in the handicapped space, get out of her car, hoist a computer on her shoulder and proceed to go around the car to the other door and grab her purse and other belongings, etc.. does this sound like someone who is handicapped? NO! I'm not handicapped, so I don't really care, but it still is very annoying. When there are no spaces in front of any of the buildings around me. I would appreciate it after working 10 hours to be able to at least park in front of my building. Not 4 buildings away.\r
3. The grounds are often flooded after rain. The back pond is beautiful at times, but if it rains for an hour or two prepare to have your backyard completely flooded and full of trash after the storm is over.\r
4. The pool is often littered with undesirables. Good luck getting any peace and quiet with your sun.\r
5. The complex is also littered with undesirables. There are car break ins. Someones car recently was smashed into and all of their tools were stolen. \r
6. The apartments don't vent well. If your neighbor is cooking something nasty. Be prepared to smell it for hours.\r
7. The upper apartments aren't insulated properly. HOT in the summer. COLD in the winter. \r
8. The office manager is a B****. Oh wait, did i say that already. Well, maybe now you'll get the point. \r
9. GEESE have taken over the ponds. Excriment everywhere. All year long....
Pros: decent location, nice looking buildings, free basic cable, swimming pool
Cons: terrible parking, floods after rain, geese excriment everywhere, car break ins, undesirables loitering at times