Unlike one of the reviewers, are estimation of Benedictine College is the exact reverse. Benedictine College is a superb college, that cares very much for its students. And in comparison to many other private colleges, is a good value. It has not been our experience at all that they care only about the money. In fact, we have been impressed with virtually every aspect of our son's experience. The academics is strong, and prepares you for success! Our son is a mechanical engineer major. The work is incredibly demanding, but he knows the professors care about him. In fact in December during finals, President Minnis was outside in the freezing weather greeting students as they walked in to take their finals, shaking their hands, giving them encouragement, sharing a joke or two. When our son came home for Christmas break at the end of the semester, he told us how much he appreciated President Minnis and the faculty, and how extraordiarily happy he was there. Additionally he has met fantastic, caring friends. He loves everything about Benedictine College. He wouldn't mind if the work for becoming a mechanical engineer was a smidgen less demanding . . . he often feels like he is barely keeping his head above water, but knows that there is not substitute for hard work. It is a beautiful campus, and if your faith matters to you, then you will surely thrive at Benedictine College! Bravo Benedictine College Faculty and Staff! We have offspring who have graduated from Notre Dame, Harvard, Philadelphia School of the Arts, Catholic University of America, Gonzaga and the University of Washington Medical School. And if we had known how wonderful Benedictine College was 18 years ago, we would have liked to have sent them all there! We can't praise Benedictine College highly enough.