My young female cat started vomiting up everything she consumed and would not use the litter box and we could not figure out the problem. She was becoming weak and dehydrated. Dr. Bonart kept her for observation and to rehydrate her but she seemed only to worsen. The speculation was that she had eaten something causing blockage in her digestive system but nothing showed up on the x-rays. The last resort was exploratory surgery, which revealed a 10-inch piece of beading thread, one of the toughest types of thread available. I make jewelry and had apparently dropped a piece of thread that she ate. It caused her intestines to gather together accordion-style and had perforated them in 8 places. Dr. Bonart skillfully stitched up the tiny holes, and then we just prayed she did not get an infection. She pulled through and I credit Dr. Bonart completely. I also don't think the other reviews are representative of the staff as we have always been treated very well. See a picture of Mia in the Gallery.
Pros: Professional, highly skilled, knowledgeable and experienced