The feedback from Giselle is heartbreaking. My husband and I are the third generation to proudly carry on the Beltrami name in photography. I, personally, do all of our marketing and would never mislead goes against all that I stand for. For seniors we offer 75% off sessions early in the season. Being VERY active in our community, we, also, shoot a select amount of sessions for FREE for underprivileged youth through local programs. \r
After a photo shoot, there is no obligation to purchase anything if you are not happy. We want people to love their experience and the results. We are blessed with our talents and firmly believe that it us our responsibility to bless others. We pep talk are staff regularly..."this is a chance to make a difference in someone's make them feel special, beautiful and confident." It's our philosophy. We are not perfect, but nit a day goes by that we don't tell our own children in their way out for the day "leave people smiling". \r