Founded in 1940 in Chicago, IL, Beltone Electronics Corporation is an established leader in the hearing care industry, committed to developing advanced technology, focusing on patient needs, and enhancing the hearing care experience. Beltone's focus on the patient is a driving force in all its business activities, whether it be developing new products, testing and fitting hearing instruments and hearing aids, or providing for a better in-office experience. Beltone Electronics Corporation, along with its hearing care network, has received patient satisfaction ratings in the 90th percentile for products and service. Beltone proudly continues its long history as the most trusted brand in the hearing care industry among adults 50 and older. Client: Beltone NE Assigned by: Laura Manigan Employee Portraits, group photo Today, Beltone is one of the largest producers of hearing instruments and hearing aids. Beltone products are fit through an independent hearing care network serving patients in over 1,500 locations throughout North America. In addition, Beltone products are distributed in 27 countries spanning five continents.