This boutique has the best selection of very exclusive designers such: Chanel, Louis Viutton, St John, Dior, etc and the prices are incredible, you cant even find them in any out let store, the conditions of the garments and accessories are almost new and some if them with tags, but also everything is original, the owner Adriana will never accept to sell any replica or poor condition piece, also everything is on season.
I live in Marina del Rey, and I don't mind it to drive there, I am a big fashion shopper, and since I was there the first time it became my favorite place to shop and put on consignment. The staff is very helpful and friendly.
The store looks very clean and well organized all the pieces are dry cleaned.
I highly recommend this place not only if you want to acquire exclusive fashion pieces, but also if you want to sell your designer pieces, this place is a piece of mind I have had nightmares in other places.
You might find other resale boutiques in Orange or Los Angeles; but you won't have the guarantee of quality, customer service, price and honestly under one roof.