This was my first apartment. I moved into this community during the summer of 2005. Before I moved in, I had never seen a real life cockroach... ever. Upon move-in, the place looked fine, for being outdated and in a shady area. I noticed a few bugs, similar to water bugs but didn't pay them any mind. Then when I was getting ready for bed, I noticed a few more emerging from a crack in my bedroom, so I sprayed Raid in the corner and out came a whole colony of roaches. I was mortifyed and could not sleep the whole night. Needless to say, I wanted to move but couldn't because my roommate at the time could not afford anything nicer. Our toilet always clogged... for no reason! and while that is deemed an emergency, maintenance took atleast 48hrs to fix it. Our shower tiles were falling off the wall... not to mention that even though an exterminator came EVERY week, we still had a major roach infestation! Gross!