I had a horrible experience with the so called Hassan, he cut my hair before, I wanted the same style, when I went home it was ugly, and different from what he did before. I called to ask them to fix it, they were unhappy with the request, but had to see me. I went there, and when he saw me he gave me a mean look, and nodded his head meaning to talk on the side. I explained to him what I wanted, and he said to trim some sides, which I disagreed. I started explaining to him the difference between the last hair cut and this one, but he kept rushing me, saying he does not have time; I simply asked him if he is going to continue talking in a mean way to a customer, his response was:"" Do you want me to sing and dance for you"" then he put both hands out with the comb with one hand, and the scissors with the other and he said: I don't have a lot of time, tell me what you want"" I should have left at that moment, but I wanted my hair fixed, so I told him, but it was not the same. I am never going there again. At great clips they guarantee their work for $11.99, I paid this idiot $65, and he says he is busy, he got his manners from some slum. If he has a boss or a manager I hope he can actually take care of this. This is America, where service and courtesy are a right in business. This is not some 3rd world country where an idiot hair dresser can behave like this. He knows who I am and he must apologize, and I tell him that after he apologizes I won't go to Bella Salon and see his ugly personality. You don't treat customers like that you idiot. I hope your day is ruined every time you see this, because you ruined my day.