Ever since middle school, I'd been incredibly self conscious and embarrassed about my dark, coarse facial hair on my upper lip and chin. Waxing never worked and I swear bleaching it made more hair grow. Finally I decided something more drastic needed to be done! After researching many places, I came upon Bella Medspa. It had the most reasonable prices I'd seen, and on top of that, they have awesome specials all the time! Not only that, I found the staff to be wonderful and helpful and in all ways professional. I felt completely secure with the laser because they thoroughly explained everything about the procedure. And I'm ECSTATIC to say that I have wonderful results!!!! I no longer have to worry about any unsightly facial hair. Today was my last treatment and I feel so awesome!! It's wonderful to look into the mirror and see beautiful, hairless skin. I love my results so much that I'm thinking about getting my underarms done.
Thanks so much Bella Medspa!! :)