I brought my Jeep into Bell Frame and Brake Services in Dothan to get the passenger side frame repaired. The ?owner? looked underneath it and quoted me a repair price of $350 (+) $50 to $100 for supplies and I agreed to the verbal contract. For the next 2 weeks I was in correspondence with them, giving them a 2 week notice that I could drop off the jeep on the 14th and they could keep the vehicle for an entire week and I would pick it up on 21May2010. They agreed that I could drop it off on the 14th and a week would be plenty of time to repair the vehicle. So I dropped the vehicle off on the 14th and signed it in on a form that I still have and can supply it upon request. Throughout the week I would call to get updates and they were rude and kept blowing me off telling me they hadn?t even looked at it yet but they would get to it when they could. Friday the 21st came and I called them to ask if they were done and they told me to come get the vehicle, that they didn?t do the work that they agreed to and didn?t want to ? I asked them what kind of service is that and they yelled at me in a threatening way telling me that ?I?LL FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF SERVICE IT IS WHEN I GET UP THEIR? and the ?owner? said that to me approximately 5 times in a row ? threatening me in a tone and in a fashion that would lead me to believe that they were going to assault me when I arrived ? I pleaded with them that I meant no harm and I still wanted their services, that I still wanted to be a customer and they said, ?NO, WE DON?T WANT TO DO IT NOW!!! COME GET IT!!!? ? I called them back after they hung up and I said I would come get the vehicle within the hour and asked them not to break anything on the jeep and that I was sorry I made them angry ? They didn?t care ? It cost me $50 for a taxi cab to bring me to Dothan to pick it up. And wasted 3 weeks.