Eye Exams
A complete eye examination can detect health problems in the early stages of development, including: glaucoma, diabetes, hypertension, cataracts, and high cholesterol. Although everyone should get an annual eye exam, it is important that children between the ages of 0 and 5 get their first exam by 6 months and then every three years, and that children between the ages of 6 and 18 get an exam before grade one and every two years thereafter.
Nearly 90% of computer users will one day develop a vision problem related to computer use. Vision Council of America, March 2004 Children and Vision Problems Nearly 25% of school-age children have vision problems. Vision Council of America, May 2004 Almost 70% of children diagnosed with learning difficulties actually have vision problems. Mintel Consumer Intelligence, July 2003 20% of school age children have undetected vision problems that are hindering their school performance. Children's Vision Information Network, November 2003.