No water and guests arriving for a wedding. Called Bee Cave to come and check out the situation. I asked about a storage tank and was told the price was over $5,000. I told the gentleman that I did not need a 2500 galleon tank.
His response was, ""If we have to pick up the tank, the price will be about the same.""
Young man arrived and began to check out the pump. Took about 8-10 phone calls while working at my house.
Told me everything was fine. I reminded him that I had guests arriving for a wedding and needed to be sure that things were working properly.
By Saturday afternoon when folks needed to begin preparing for the event, there was no water again.
Called the tech who came out, and he told me he was busy and just have my 86 year old neighbor who was the grandfather of the bride run a hose to my house.
Just what he needed to be worried about three hours before the wedding.
Monday I was told, they would work me in around a well inspection.