Dr. Bednar is an amazing surgeon, plus an accomplished artist. I met Dr. Bednar many year ago when I got kicked in the face by a horse. It was a terrible day, but Dr. Bednar with his calming manner and comforting approach took special care of me. The gash that was left in my face by the horse hoof was jagged and cut completely through. I actually could put my tongue through it. I thought I would have a severe scar from the kick. Dr. Bednar took me in , calmed me down and proceeded to repair the damaged area. When he was finished, he told me not to worry, it would heal and there wouldn't be a awful scar there. I thought, ""Yeah right"". On my return visit, his welcoming staff greeted me and treated me like I had been coming there for years. I soon was escorted back to one of the treatment rooms where Dr. Bednar promptly proceeded to remove the sutures. His kind temperament and steady hands were very reassuring to me. Once he was finish, he handed me a mirror and said with a Smile, ""Take a Look"". Well to my surprise, you could hardly see where the large gash had been, other than a little redness where it was still healing, there wasn't this horrible scar like I thought there would be there. The redness soon disappeared and you would not know that anything had ever happened. Since that time, I have been back for several procedures with Dr. Bednar. What I have done is between me and Dr. Bednar (lol). He is brilliant. If you are looking for a Doctor who is at the top of their game, but still listens and has a great bedside manner, then he is the only doctor for you. I know he is the only one for me.