I needed a particular popular book right away, and happened to be right by this bookstore. They had the book, but they charged too much for it! There are plenty of used bookstores in the area with more reasonable prices. I know I'm counting dimes and nickels here, as in they charged $5.50 instead of $3.00, but for the cracked state that the book was in, I was taken aback. Also, this book is everywhere and has been for several years, so bookstores really don't charge much for used copies. Moreover, the edition I purchased was a book club edition. As in it's worthless on the market. I wouldn't be able to resell this book anywhere. How the store works is that they charge half of the cover price plus a $.50 surcharge regardless of the overall value of the book. I probably paid more for this worthless, used book than the original buyer paid when it was purchased brand new on some book club special! There might be good deals here, but I was disappointed with my visit. If I didn't need the book at that very moment, I wouldn't have bought it there.