It is sad to see how the ripple down afftect has effected the residents of Kennedy Avenue. I understand that Kennedy Avenue is not a major street, howevver we are tax paying residents. I have seen in the 31 years that I have lived here the lack of care that the street department has dispalyed. I remeber for years we had our street cleaned then all of a sudden in the past 7 years not a tuesday have i not seen our street cleaned. Further more, now i see that I have to come home to almost fall and break my ankel for the street department to fix the still broken up cement in the middle of the road infront of our home. As for snow removal what is very pathetic is that is never gets done unless it is my father who goes out with his snow blower to remove the snow at 50+ years old. I should not have to calll and comlpain it just should be something that is done. I respect my city workers and make sure that they are safe. I see why I can't get the same respect back. What i see happening is when someone needs emergency services during the winter time they will not get it due to the lack of care of our street and one of us will become another tragic death due to the ripple down effect.