My partner and I had our second date here, which we still rate as the best date that either one of us has ever been on. We went for a motorcycle ride over the Narrows, and since we were hungry, we got off the bridge and went looking for a place on or near the water. We basically drove right down to Titlow Beach and found this place on a fluke after asking some guy at the boat yard a few blocks over. Had a beer, long good conversation, and a really good pub bacon burger here. Small, congenial, and a great place to have a happy memory right before he left to go back to Iraq the next day. Our favorite picture together is the one we took after eating here, right on Titlow Beach. When he got back, we purposely moved within a few blocks of "our place" and spent more dates and even New Years Eve 2004/2005 there (even though we got pregnant right after he got back, I drank water or pop - duh!). After our motorcycle rides, we'd end up here and have long conversations about everything, as is "our thing." We love this place and talk about it often, even though with our new baby it's hard to get here. Gotta get a sitter! :)