On Sat., April 2, 2011, we took our 18mth old baby girl to the Bayfront Park at City Island where Marina Jack's is located as well as O'Leary's Tiki Bar & Grill. Our 18mth old got 2nd DEGREE burns on the back of her legs after going down one of the slides in the playground. No warning of the hot slide whatsoever & it is not even the summer months here yet. It is absolutely CRITICAL and NECESSARY that the city does something to not let this keep happening. They need to put a cover over the slides like a large shade otherwise all the slides on this playground are completely unusable during the day. Also, the water fountains for the kids, the tops ones have concrete steps right next to them with NO gate there, if a child slips and falls down these steps, they would crack their head open. The city needs to install a gate there so this will not happen.