Allen works under Bay Valley Real Estate & Loan. Allen has worked as a real estate agent for 23 years. Allen has sold 4.64x the number of single family homes as the average agent in the area. We have data on 71 of Allen’s transactions. This real estate agent most often represents the seller (73% of the time), but they also have experience representing the buyer side of transactions, with 25 deals recorded. Here’s a little about Allen’s real estate experience: - Allen recently sold one home for $875,000. - this real estate agent is skilled in fast home sales: they have listings that have sold in as little as 5 days. - Allen is an agent who sells homes for top dollar. - this real estate agent sold 67% more homes this year than they did last year. HomeLight has data on 10 transactions Allen has done in Folsom. Allen has closed 7 more home sales than the average agent in the area.