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Offering physical therapy and physical therapists services.As of 1-1-14, any person in the state of California may go directly to a physical therapist without having to first see a medical doctor. Most private insurances and Medicare will pay for your physical therapy now without a medical doctor's diagnosis. The professional staff of Baudendistel Physical Therapy has the right to be able to see you as soon as you could be helped by our services for any physical pain, weakness, stiffness, or balance issues that may encumber you.Newer Treatment Options at Baudendistel Physical Therapy:As a physical therapist Arthur Baudendistel has taken over 80 continued education courses and one year long-term course to add to his base knowledge and to stay current in the field. He and Meredith Smylie have completed training in Myofascial Decompression with the utilization of cups. They have found it helpful in stretching one's connective tissue especially for patients in chronic pain.