Please don?t waste your money on this attorney. I hired this attorney in 2010, and she failed to represent me in the most basic way (timely court filings) which ties the judge?s hand in rulings in your favor. She was not knowledgeable about the employment law in my case which she led me to believe. She didn?t file any declarations which the judge said were necessary in my case. She didn?t file any continuances even though she know she would not be in court, or answer any demurrer questions posed to her on my behalf. This information she neglected to tell me. I found this out through the court. She is quick to tell you she?s not insured. This means that if she fails to do her job you can?t sue her. Do your homework to find out these things before you give your money away. She didn?t return any of my retainer even though she failed to do her job. She shows up to court by phone while you?re there in person. I?ve been to court three times while she was my lawyer. The very first court date I had with her she was not there, she had a stand in show up to court on her behalf that I?ve never met before and who really didn?t know the case. The other two times she appeared to court by phone. How can a lawyer fight for you over the phone? If she didn?t care to be there standing, fighting with you does she really care about your case? Don?t waste your money. I could go on and on but this warning should be enough. After all, it?s your money.