This was the High School I attended; I was in the first ever graduating class from this High School. This school opened in 1997 with an entering class of 100. It is a small school that only accepts 100 students a year. It is based in the same facilities as Baruch College, the classrooms are actually shared with them. The classrooms are for high school students during the day, and college students during the night.
When I first entered this school I hated it. They were really tough on us because we were the first entering class. They did not know what was considered too much work and just wanted to continously push us. The literature is what sets this school apart from the rest, because literature was what they focused on. Students has to read a minimum of 25 books a year and do 20 hours of community service. Due to the small population at this school, each student has an advisor and they keep tabs on the book and community service requirements. This is a good thing because students got a lot more individual attention.
The math and sciences from this school is/was not good. I can honestly say I was not prepared in terms of math and sciences when I entered my Engineering college. But that could just be the fact that I went to an engineering university where the math and sciences are a lot tougher.
In the end, when I graduated, I realized I enjoyed my time at this school. It taught me a lot and I enjoyed the small community this school has to offer. There were no bullies or trouble, the environment was generally very safe. I would recommend ANYONE to come to this high school. I know I said the math and sciences were weak, but that's pretty much the same in most NYC high schools.
A final note, the school has changed a lot since I graduated 4 years ago. Take a tour to see for yourself. Tours are usually offered if requested.