A week ago last Wednesday I went to visit my grandson in the Bartow Correctional Facility. After calling ahead and being informed that the visiting hours were from 8am to 11am, I arrived at 8:15 am. to a waiting room full of people. Most were children waiting to see their incarcerated parent. Some were grandparents, like me. As I sat there waiting, I began to hear several conversations around me about previous visiting hours. People were understandably upset about having to wait for hours.- some being turned away, never getting to visit their loved one. Many of the people around me had taken part of the day off work and many had driven distances to support the inmates they were coming to visit. Myself, I had driven about 20 miles to get to the facility. After waiting for an hour and still no one had been in to visit, I approached the guard in the window area and asked her how much longer it would be until visitation began. She replied that she didn't know. I asked her why visitation hadn't started yet and she informed me that the guards hadn't completed roll call and visitation would not begin until it was completed. I then asked her if the visiting hours were new and she told me ""no,"" they were the regular hours. Then I asked her if the guards knew the hours and she said ""yes."" For clarification, I restated what I understood from what had been said so far; ""So the visitation hours have not changed, the guards know the hours and it's their job to do roll call in preparation for visitation?"" She replied, ""Yes."" Throughout this conversation, each time she answered one of my questions, she turned off the outside speaker in an effort to dismiss me. Realizing that this wasn't working, she asked me who I was there to visit. I told her and she informed me that I was on the second list and more than likely, will not get to visit my grandson today. [Please look for ADDED PUNISHMENT FOR INMATES -- AND FAMILIES - Part II]