Barton Chiropractic Office has been a very big life saver for me. I have been going there for a year and a few months. Before I went there I was very skeptical, probably one of the biggest cynics there were. But, my husband wanted to go so I wanted to see what it was all about. Am I glad I ever did. The office staff is very friendly. When I walked in a week later for my own appointment they remembered not only my face but my name also. WOW!!!! That really impressed me. Vicky, Barb, Tabitha, and all the other office team members there are great. I have only met two of the doctors there but have worked primarily with Dr. Matt. His father, Dr. Jack, his brother, Dr. Steve, and his sister-in-law, Dr. Kerri are the chiropractors there. Dr. Matt's wife, Carlee, is the massage expert there (and she gives great massages...) I would totally recommend this office to you to go to. And, if you do, please let them know that Amy Rozelle recommended you. And if you like them, don't forget to recommend them to your friends and family (you get a free adjustment from it... which is why I ask you to use my name, I need all the free ones I can get...) But really, this office is great. I have been in another chiropractor's office (while this one was closed due to convention or vacation or something like that) and was not as impressed. Give it a try and see if you don't want to go back. They are GREAT!