I hired Scott to do some minor plumbing in my basement finish. He ran a few waterlines, a gas line , and some waste water pipe.
Though he was the most expensive of the 5 quotes I received, my electrician highly recommended him, so I did.
From the very start he rubbed me wrong. While running the gas line, I felt it too short and requested it lengthened. Instead of listening to my request, he became argumentative, stating it was to code. I finally got him to lengthen it, but not without confrontation.
Next, I discovered a leak in a waterline he installed. I called, but he was too busy to come by that day to fix.
Next, was my waste water pipe inspection. He plugged up my drain and then we back filled the entire system until my tub and sinks we filled to the brim. We passed inspection (good), but when it was time to drain the system, Scott again ignored my request of preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. I requested that Scott not pull the plug until I retrieved my wet vac and rag towels. True to his nature, he ignored my request, kept on working and before I could state this was not a request, but a demand, I had 200 plus gallons of waste water flooding my basement. He did not help in the clean up and only made inane quips like, "the cement will soak it up in a few hours", "your fireplace is rated to get wet". It was all I could do to maintain my anger and deal with the problem at hand.
A few days later, I discovered another waterline leak. Called him, again, he chose to show up the following day. When he did show up, he admitted that his crimping tool was defective and that he bought a new one. I asked if the fix would require turning off the water and draining the waterlines. He said, "No". Applied his new tool to the clamp in question and proceeded to break it, once again dumping water into my basement.
So, if your looking for an overpriced plumber, who does shoddy work, and chooses not to listen to the customers simple request. Scott is your guy.