Not all Barnes and Noble locations are created equal. Some are nice places to go, sit, preview a wide variety of books and magazines and some are more "pop in-pop out" places. The Bel Air B&N invites you to browse around and relax.
Don't get me wrong, on a weekend it's very crowded!! But the employees work hard to maintain an environment that is clean, organized and conducive to browsing/relaxing. Special value books and reduced books are easy to find and the store is well organized.
When you can't find what you are looking for, the employees are quite willing to help out. The selection seems to be well taylored to the clientele. Even though I know I can get just about ANY book at my local library or through the state-wide lending system, B&N (bel air) often tempts me to buy new books through their careful selection/display of new items and old favorites.