Except for about 18 months in 1998, Barnes has been self-employed as an Architect since 1974. He has completed over a hundred construction projects during those years including over 35 school projects, many residential projects and many commercial projects. He reduced his office load for about nine months in 2004 to assume the role of a Contractor?s Project Superintendent, for a construction company and kept his office open while working on Architectural projects at night and weekends. He has always conducted the Construction Administration portion of the work himself. \r
He has completed many City and County owned projects. These include a Senior Center for the City of Tulare, a Historical Museum for the Tulare City Historical Society. Also, he has completed many small remodels for the County of Tulare including a County Morgue Building, a County Jail remodel, and many remodels to the Tulare County Court House including a new law library and new quarters for the Public Defenders Offices.\r
Barnes was the ?Project Architect? on five new Schools over the years and recently completed a new Shower and Locker building for the Tulare City Elementary School District. He has completed many smaller projects including many additions to existing school campuses, many school Modernizations, and day care centers. This includes working with the various Regulatory Agencies to insure that all projects meet Code requirements.\r
He has completed many commercial projects including a gift shop, a Bride Shop, an Electronics store, a fine restaurant, several fast food restaurants, and at least twenty residential projects. The residential projects included several small multifamily units.
Pros: Great personal Service
Cons: No parking at Tulare Office