VERY VERY VERY AGGRESIVE DOG..I cannot comment on the merchandise in the store because before I could even enter the store her unleashed dog Sachi attacked my dog. The owner Laura's dog came outside while I was looking at the rack of dog clothes outside, it looked mean so I stayed away with my other dog Scorpio (lhasa apso), than my boyfriend came with our other dog Rusty (11 week old vizsla), I told him I didn't feel comfortable with the dog and he said "well its a dog in a pet store I'm sure it's used to dogs all the time" next thing I know Rusty goes to smell Sachi (the owners dog) and it turns around and bites Rusty right in the nose, Rusty started to yell & cry so loud that Laura came out running, she was very apologetic and even offered to get ice and something for the bleeding on his nose, she could not stop saying how she didn't know how Sochi wasn't on a lease and how sorry she was and instead of calling the cops we decided since the bite wasn't THAT bad and she seemed really sorry that we weren’t going to follow through with reporting it and just asked her for Sachi’s vaccination papers. This was fine until later that day I went to petco and bumped into an old friend and we got to talking and I told her about what happened with the owners dog biting my dog in the nose, and she said “oh yea Sachi the little beige dog?” and I was like “yea how do you know” and said “ because I went in there and Sachi came up to me gave me her belly and I guess I went to far down and she bite me, than instead of learning my lesson she gave me her belly again so I decided well she’s just grumpy and I pet her yet again and she bite me, and when I told Laura she just said “ yea, they are like that”. Than my friend goes on to tell me that her other dog (forgot the name but it’s the black one) has mauled little dogs and will attack them in they come into the store! After hearing this I was in shock and angry that we didn’t call the cops, than to make things even worse we drove by today (a day after the incident) and saw Sachi