Here in West Virginia the Medicaid card does not pay for dentistry for adults except for extractions. About two years ago, an aide called Dr. Jann Barber for me. The receptionist told her that they did except Medicaid. I talked to them as well and they told me the same thing. I didn’t know how this could be. I figured maybe the dentist had made special arrangements with Medicaid or maybe she just helped her patients. So I went into the office. When I got there I found out Medicaid only paid for X-Rays. Dr. Barber told me I would need a level two cleaning and the price was around 200 dollars. I asked her if she took payments. She said no. So it took me almost a year to gather up the funds through other funding sources. Then I went back. Well since it had been almost a year those X-rays were no good and Medicaid would not pay for X-rays anymore. I said well can I get part of the procedure done, and pay for the rest later. Their answer was no. I said well the receptionist quoted me this price. They said I’m sorry you will have to leave. So while I was there I said well how much is the price difference. The price had gone up to over $300.00.
I then went after more funding which took time. I called and made an appointment. After I got the funding an aide stole some of it out of my back account. So I had to cancel the appointment. The next two appointments I was very sick with a fever. So when I called to set up my next appointment. The receptionist gave me a new one. About five minutes later. I get a call that the person said you have missed three appointments. Our receptionist is new, and we can’t keep that appointment for you, because our policy is if you miss three appointments, we can no longer see you. (A policy that I was never told about before.) If you want your records transferred to another dentist we can do that. I said but lady I am very sick, and she just repeated her statement over. I told her that I did not want my records transferred, because they were two years old, and no good.
So if you want to go to a dentist that has bad receptionists. She is very expensive with no payment plans, be my guest. Please don’t be sick or have an emergency equaling up to three missed appointments.