I use to work at Bar Ferdinand. I loved it! I loved the food, the energy, the neighborhood, and even the people I worked with, though I do agree with most people that they are rude and snobbish. This was a second, part time job for me, I am a teacher full time. I worked my butt off. As a server there you had to work triple as hard b/c in addition to taking orders and normal server duties, most of the time you had to run your own food (except for weekends), run your drinks, bus your tables, and water tables. Now normally I could manage this. I think most people can. You just have to figure out how to divide your time accordingly. BUT it is a tapas restaurant. There are LOTS of small dishes. NO ONE could keep up with what needed to be done. By the time you ran a drink, you had to take someones order, and another of your tables food came up, but they can't get it until you clear their table of 10 tiny plates and get them new silver. All at the same time, and you just got sat and there are 20 more tiny plates that need to go out to 3 of your tables... Get the idea? The management is horrible, and did not and probably from what it seems, still does not staff the restaurant accordingly. You can't get good service when management is bad and morale is low. I tried my best to do everything as efficiently as possible there. And I was always cheerful and nice to my customers. The restaurant is run inefficiently, and will continue to unless morale there rises, and management realizes the needs of the customers and the staff. The management ultimately was my demise with the restaurant. They do not know how to treat people. I am not an idiot. I work hard all day as a teacher, and I worked that extra job so I can make ends meet. I would not do that job if I were going to be rude to customers, because I needed my customers to love me so I could get a good tips. Why work if you are going to make 10% tips all night?? I now prefer Amada.
Pros: yummy creative food
Cons: management, service