Locally owned and operated since 1965, Bank of Springfield is a community bank in Central Illinois that takes pride in client relationships. Our loan officers excel in personalized service. We are always there when you need us. Whether you need help securing a loan, depositing money or investing in one of our many interest-bearing financial products, you've come to the right place!
Bank of Springfield's financial products and services include:
* Deposit accounts
* Insurance
* Home equity lines of credit
* Construction loans
* Online banking
At Bank of Springfield, we believe in taking care of our community. With local servicing and decision making, loan approvals and funding can be made quickly. Our bankers want to help clients realize the best return for their investment and help build relationships that last for generations.
Call Bank of Springfield today, or visit us online for more details!. Annuities|Banking|Bill Pay|Bill Payment Service|Budget Counseling|Business Banking Via the Internet|Business Money Market|Business Power Now|Cash Management Accounts|Certificate of Deposit (COD)|Check Cashing|Checking Accounts|Coin and Currency Orders|Commercial Checking|Commercial Construction Loans|Commercial Lines of Credit|Commercial NOW|Commercial Real Estate Loans|Commercial Term Loans|Construction Loans|Consulting|Corporate Cash Management|Corporate Credit Cards|Corporate Savings|Corporate Sweep Accounts|Credit Cards|Credit Reports|Financial Planning|Foreclosures|Group Disability Insurance|Group Health Insurance|Home Equity Line of Credit|Home Mortgages|Individual Disability Insurance|Individual Health Insurance|Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)|Instant Check Line of Credit|Insurance: Term Life Insurance|Internet Corporate Cash Management|Land Trusts|Lending|Letters of Credit|Lock Box Services|Money Transfers|Night Deposit Services|Notarizing|Positive Pay|Refinancing|Remote Deposit Service|Safe Deposit Box Rental|Safe Deposit Boxes|Savings Accounts|Stocks|Telephone Banking|Trusts|Universal Life Insurance|Visa/Mastercard Merchant Services|Whole Life Insurance