In 1899 this bank opened and has grown since then to have 3 bank branches. All 3 have ATM's and the bank has online banking & bill payment features for your convenience.
They provide all the usual services like checking, savings & loan accounts, but many extras too, such as Notary Service, Bank by Mail, Traveler's Checks, Bill Drop service, Direct Deposit & Foreign Currency Services.
I should note that loan standards are very strict. If you have had a bankruptcy in the last 10 years you will undoubtedly be disapproved even if you've had an account with them for some time and/or if you've re-built your credit history since then. So, in that case you might want to take your business & money someplace else. If you have impeccable credit history you can obtain all sorts of loans with ease.
When you have their Club checking account for $6.00 a month, you can get quite a few side benefits like life insurance, free money orders, free photo copying services, free replacement check orders. They also provide services like Bank of lafayette credit cards, or Visa Check cards (which you can use just like a credit card, except the funds come out of your checking or savings account). They also provide you with an ATM card to access your accounts after hours or whenever.
Basically this is a great all in one bank with many services provided. I've never met a teller or person in this bank who wasn't courteous & helpful & so I can recommend this bank freely to newcomers.