Ok, we have been going here for the last 9 months and they have done nothing for our dog, other than attempting to charge us with all kinds of tests. We know after taking some medication they prescribed that our dog has an allergy (either to fleas or our rabbit or both), however, they want to charge us $800 to peform an allergy test and bloodwork, instead of just prescribing the medicine because they must diagnose for certain. They want to do a liver test in order to also prescribe medicine that our friends dog is on for his allergies and his vet said nothing about doing any of these tests, yet Banfield refuses unless you pay. They are only there to make money. They don't seem to really care about the welfare of the dog, so my dog is going to suffer for a few days more until I can see a real vet. I just thought that Banfield would be lower in costs, but I was very wrong...they will get you with their push on flea meds and other diagnostics, when sometimes it is very obvious what i