I think the care here is very good and my experience with the vets here has been positive. I personally have a difficult time justifying $250+ to have my dog knocked out to have his teeth cleaned only to watch him run out in the yard and eat his poop as soon as we get home. But I do pay the vet for his or her opinion. Tarter build-up will lead to problems down the road. I would not want them to hold back on recommendations because of cost. I have the right to opt-out of any treatment. If you want to spend the money on your animal, go ahead, if not, just say no thanks. It up to the owner to decide what they are comfortable spending on their dog. \r
Also, I think that if you start treating dogs like people they will start treating you like another dog. I always get a good chuckle watching people walk their dogs around in baby carriages like children. There is a certain tendency of these places to cater to pet owners, such as these, who will spare no expense. And why not? As a consumer y