Stay away from this place. Even by looking up other reviews online you should know that this place is terrible. This place is only after your money and practice best practices for the Vet's pocket not yours. I unfortunately let an inexperienced member of our family take our dogs to this vet and $1000 later regret this incident, and will forever. They did not even address the issue at hand instead they came up with a wellness plan that any other sensible vet would laugh at. \r
Two extortion examples: Charging $120 for an injectible antibiotic for a cut that was supposedly infected ( no proof since the dog was taken into the back), which had it been infected could have been taken care of with washing and a topical and oral antibiotic. ($20 vs $ 120 which would you chose?). Charging for ear swabs and claiming that there were ear infections when my vet who examined them later, said there was no ear infection. \r
Their fees are ludicrous and not at all "affordable". When I refused to pay for