I joined Bally's 4 years ago signing a 3 year contract. After that 3 years was up, I asked more than one person on the counter if I needed to do anything to keep my contract canceled because I dont want Ballys anymore. They said once the contract is up, its up. Nothing to it.
After that, I got a letter from Ballys CORPORATE saying I owe them $1300 because I didnt officially cancel the membership so they charged a whole year's membership as a penalty. THEY EVEN GOT THE BALLS to mail me a collection agency letter demanding money I dont owe PLUS a coupon asking if I want to come back ""because they missed me"" for a low low price!!
It ruined my credit score, I had to write to the BBB and they ran some B.S. about me to get this over with. If you go online and search Bally's and complaints. you will see I am not the only one. This is a common practice with this gym franchise.
If something like a gym ruins your credit score and has nothing but computerized customer service phone numbers to give you, you better stay far far away.
Stick to small gyms where you can talk to PEOPLE.