Lots of cards at half price. There are gift items too. The staff is friedly and the prices are very reasonable.
Baker's has what every office supply store has including toys and gifts, cards, stuffed animals, etc. It is very overpriced and you can usually find things cheaper elsewhere. The ...
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**We do not service wide format printers** Baker Office Supply services color copiers , monochrome copiers, multi-function (Copy, Print, Scan, Fax). They also service all major brands. Baker Office Supply has roots going back to 1936 when Gerald Barrett and John Baker opened a book store. Their premise was always to provide customers with good advice and honest value. Through the years the business has evolved into selling office products, furniture, toner, and multifunction equipment. Although our product mix has changed over time, we still believe in a consultative approach and working with customers to find solutions that best fit their needs. We accomplish this by working and analyzing a customer’s history and making recommendations that can save money and time. When a new customer is brought on board a sales consultant sits down with them and sets up a favorites list, goes over every product ordered finding the best value and best item for their needs. Some customers have Baker order and stock their supply closets freeing up their personnel to focus on their business. If a customer is looking for a new multifunction copier we ask lots of questions to make certain we place the right piece of equipment. Not only do we sell equipment, but we provide service with our own technicians. Through a careful analysis of the customers business we can provide service and advice that can’t be found on the internet or through a big box. In short, although our product mix has changed over the years providing good advice and honest value never goes out of style. Best regards, William Baker Owner ..