As retirement nears, it is all too easy to view your financial picture as a to-do list, with "items" like "investments", "taxes", and "income" to take care of and "cross off" one by one.
But addressing these aspects of your finances one at a time may not be the best way to do it, for decisions you make in one financial "dimension" may affect your choices in the other.
They do not exist in isolation, and investments, tax reduction, and income streams are not "retirement solutions" in themselves. Rather, these are components in a total tax and retirement planning strategy.
Baker & Launder recognizes that all this planning must be integrated. Denny Baker, Dave Launder and their staff also know that integrating tax and retirement planning can potentially result in synergy, to help you pursue various financial goals in the same process.
Ready resources
In fact, Baker & Launder is not limited to retirement and tax planning. Denny and Dave can also direct you to estate planning and long term care resources. If they can’t answer your questions, they are well-networked with professionals who can.. <ul>
<li>Financial Planning</li><br>
<li>Retirement Planning</li><br>
<li>Financial Advisory Service</li><br>