Bado & Bado works with an experienced adoption counselor to counsel the birthmother throughout the pregnancy and adoption process. The adoption counselor is an adopted child herself. Financial aid is available to help the birthmother with court-approved medical and educational costs, as well as living expenses. Children may be placed in Oklahoma or in other states. The prospective adoptive family is the birthmother's choice. Bado & Bado provides an adoption worker to assist the birthmother during the pregnancy, including eight weeks after delivery. Court-approved living expenses are allowed for up to 8 weeks after consent. Categories include: food, rent, telephone, laundry, sundry items, transportation costs such as gasoline, medicine, medical supplies, special needs due to the nature of the pregnancy.. With Court approval,financial aid is available to help the birth mother. Uncovered medical costs and private counseling may also be paid. The adoptive parents pay all the expenses of adoption. The attorneys and staff at Bado & Bado believe that women who make adoption plans for their children may be the most heroic people in our society. Few individuals place the needs of others so far above their own. A birthmother makes the ultimate sacrifice because she loves her baby. As adoption attorneys with more than 32 years experience,we are always amazed at the courage and determination birthmothers display. We seek to find adoptive parents who will also recognize and value the birthmother's commitment to provide the best life possible for her child.