It is comforting to go to an acupuncture practitioner who has a sports physician background. Dr. Berv has been in practice for over 16 years, has been involved with Chinese medicine for over 25 years. He understands your body from both an eastern and western perspective, explains your condition in terms you can understand, and has a great bedside manner. If you are looking for an alternative to a nagging condition that has been unresponsive to Western medical approaches, try Back In Action Acupuncture. Acupuncture has been around for over 3000 years, and is used by billions of people as their primary mode of medicine and healing. Complimentary consultations are available to discuss if this approach is right for you and different plans are available to fit your budget. Dr. Berv and his Back In Action center has been a gold standard in Richmond, VA for alternative healthcare since 1998.